Simple Weight Loss: Simple Living in Practice

fruit bowl

It is the time of year to face facts... you had to much to eat over the holidays. We all do it. It is hard not to... but there are some simple ways to get back into shape.

1) Eat three 400 calorie meals a day: breakfast included. If you don't get enough calories at breakfast you will get hungry and start snacking. It is hard to regulate your snack calories. They tend to be the food we eat while we are doing something else. An app like myfitnesspal can help you keep track of your calories. Keep nutritious low calorie snacks on hand if you do get hungry: 100 caloried portion: nuts, popcorn, cheese sticks, fruit, etc. 

2) Drink non-calorie drinks: water, tea, coffee,... avoid diet sodas. There is research that the sweetness of diet sodas may trigger hunger.

3) Fill half of your plate with fruit/vegetables. This is the volumetrics concept of filling up on low calorie, high fiber, and high nutrition food instead of high fat and calorie foods like meat and dairy.

4) Don't make any foods forbidden. When you tell a kid he can't have candy he wants it more than ever. We never grow out of this... let yourself have a small piece of cake or a single chocolate. Eat it slowly and enjoy it.

5) Exercise through out your day. Walk at lunch, take the stairs. Put on an exercise video when you get home from work. You will feel better and loss weight by daily exercising.


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