Twin Lab Diet Fuel Forskohilii Review

If losing weight is on your to-do list for the new year, you might be curious about diet supplements that can help you along with that process. But do they work? I know I always wonder that when I walk by diet supplements in the store or my local GNC.

I was sent a 30 day supplement of Twin Lab Diet Fuel Forskohili to try over the holidays. Diet Fuel combines clinically-tested levels of three weight management nutrients to help you lose weight and gain energy.* 
  • Coleus Forskohlii: Support weight management with this traditional ayurvedicherb.* 
  • Green Tea Extract: Boost energy and focus with this powerful thermogenic.* 
  • Chromium: A critical trace mineral that helps you burn fat.* 
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The instructions tell you to take one capsule twice a day 20-30 minutes before a meal. Now, I don't know about you but except for dinner, I have a hard time knowing a full 30 minutes in advance of when I'll be eating. My toddler keeps me on my toes and our schedule stays pretty flexible. The best I was usually able to do was 15 minutes before. And this might be why I saw no change in my weight over the 30 days that I tried this supplement.

Knowing that I had a hard time following the instructions exactly, I won't blame the lack of results on the supplement. This may be a key point, though, to those considering trying it: If you have a hectic life and will struggle to have 30 minutes advance warning that you will be eating, this might not be for you.

Other reviewers online have said they saw changes and one reviewer on the GNC website said they lost 10 pounds while taking it. If you're game to try it out yourself, GNC has a coupon code that will get you $3 off your purchase of Twin Labs Diet Fuel. Just use coupon code *20376* when you check out.

I received free product in exchange for this review. All opinions are 100% mine and do not necessarily reflect those of the manufacturer or vendors of this product. Please see my complete review policy for additional information.

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