It is the middle of winter and you see those strawberries on sale. You know they are out of season, but it's a good deal and you are dying for spring so you buy them anyway only to be disappointed by their flavorless crunch. I feel you. I live in Southern California and drive by strawberry fields several times a week. I know they aren't in season! And yet I still find myself buying those imported Mexico strawberries that were picked completely green. They will never live up to those fresh, melt-in-your-mouth things we call strawberries straight from the garden.
So, now Valentine's Day is approaching and you get all excited for those chocolate covered strawberries. And then you take a bite: CRUNCH! All the love leaves my mouth when that happens.
Well, I've got a secret to share with you. See, the only way I like can stand out-of-season strawberries is slicing them up and putting sugar on them. The sugar breaks down the flesh of the berry, softening it up, and adding sweetness. If you do this with seasonal strawberries they turn quite mushy fairly quickly. Not so with out-of-season strawberries. That sugar needs more time to break down the crunch. You can slice and sugar your strawberries and let them sit for about an hour. But what about whole strawberries? Well, I did some experimenting and the same principle applies! Just coat your strawberry with sugar and let it sit for an hour. Rinse the sugar off before eating whole or dipping in chocolate for your sweetheart!