Make Patterned Easter Eggs with Silk Ties

Maybe you've heard that you can dye Easter eggs with silk ties. And if you're like I was last year, you may not understand what the appeal of dying an egg with a tie is when dye tablets are so easy. THIS, friend, is why:
Maybe I need to get out more, but I didn't know you could get eggs this cool without actually painting on the egg. The best part is that it was just as easy and took the same amount of time (maybe less) than single color, dye pot eggs. Plus the fact that it picks up the pattern of the fabric you use on the shell makes it feel a bit like a magic trick. And did I mention it was easy? Because it is sooo easy and mess free.


  • Patterned 100% silk from items like ties or scarves
  • Cotton yarn
  • White eggs
  • White vinegar
  • Pot with a lid


Step 1: Cut Fabric
If you are using a tie, disassemble it and discard anything other than the silk outer shell. Cut a piece of fabric large enough to wrap around the egg.

Step 2: Wrap
Wrap your egg up in a little nest of silk, bold side toward egg.

Wrap the cotton yarn around the egg so there is so air between the silk and the shell. If there is a spot where the silk is not tight up against the egg, those spots won't transfer.

Make sure the eggs are well wrapped and then set aside.

Step 3: Boil
Gently load your eggs into a large pot and cover with 1-2 inches of cold water. Add a "glug" of white vinegar (I would estimate a 'glug' to be approx 1/3 - 1/2 cup). Cover and bring to a boil. Continue to boil for about 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, lift them out gently with a slotted spoon and place them in a colander in the sink to cool. Allow to cool for about 5 minutes before running cold water over them to expedite the process of cooling.

Step 4: Unwrap
Once they have cooled enough to handle, untie the yarn and open your little eggy present....

Ta da! It's like magic! Now, remember how I told you to make sure the silk was very tight against the egg? Those white blotches are places there the silk was not tight enough.

Continue unwrapping your eggs and setting them back in the egg cartons to keep in the fridge until it's time for your favorite cotton tail to come hide them for you.

I hope you liked my awesome egg tutorial. Some of my favorite bloggers from around town ("town", of course, being the internet) are putting up their favorite egg posts as well. Take a minute to check them out for great Easter inspiration:

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