My Shaklee 180 Tip: Turn a Mason Jar into a Blender to Make your Smoothies

I have been on the Shaklee 180 plan for 3 weeks now and am doing great. I've lost more than 7 pounds and almost a full inch in my waist. But I'll save the real numbers update for April once it's been a full month.

Today, I want to share with you my tip for how I'm doing my Energizing Smoothees. During the weight loss portion of the plan, you drink two Smoothees a day (unless you supplement with a meal bar). This would normally require these dishes:
  • Blender & Blender jar
  • Measuring Cup (to measure your milk/milk substitute)
  • Drinking Glass
  • Possibly a rubber spatula to help get every last bit of smoothee out of the blender
  • Straw (I use these stainless steel straws)
That turns into a lot of dishes really quickly!

Using my new method, all I need is:

  • Mason Jar (quart size if you like to add ice and fruit, pint if just milk, mix and a little ice
  • Blender mechanism from bottom of blender jar
  • Straw (sometimes)
Check out how I do it here (feed/email readers may need to click through to watch):

An Important Note About Mason Jars:
If you use your jars to can food in a pressure or boiling water canner and use this method to make your smoothees, you will want to set aside some dedicated jars to use for blending (and retire from canning). Every time the blades graze the glass during extraction or a metal straw clanks in the bottom, it slowly weakens your jar. In general, you never want to put metal inside of a canning jar. Your jar probably won't break during canning in your next batch or the one after but you're playing Russian roulette with your canning if you use jars with weakened integrity.

I hope you enjoyed my tip!

UPDATE! I already have several friends signing up to lose weight with me on the Shaklee 180 turnaround. Get more information about the program or sign up to join me and we can lose weight together here

Dis­clo­sure: This is a spon­sored post as part of the Shak­lee Cor­po­ra­tion blog­ger pro­gram. I will be receiving free prod­ucts, online sup­port and incen­tives for par­tic­i­pat­ing. All opinions and genius blender trick are mine. People following the weight-loss portion of the Shak­lee 180™ Pro­gram can expect to lose 1–2 pounds per week.

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