best ever chocolate chip cookies; butter with a side of bread

Have you ever noticed there are about a gazillion recipes for chocolate chip cookies floating around? I know, I know. I even hesitated sharing my favorite since I just figured you'd roll your eyes. "Lame-o!" However, after two requests from others for this recipe just this week, I thought it was a sign.
I'm all about following signs.
Introducing: my go-to cookie recipe! 

These are my #1 since they are fast, easy, and super delicious! In all honesty, the dough isn't the best (I'm a chocolate chip cookie dough connoisseur), but that's good because I don't eat as much! Really! It's actually a plus... that just means there are more baked cookies to share!
You can thank me later.

Want to know my favorite thing about this recipe? The dough stays soft when frozen, so you can make a dozen, stick the dough in the freezer, and whenever you want you can whip it out and bake a few!

Amanda's Fave: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cream together:
1 C Crisco
1 C brown sugar
1/2 C white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla

Add & beat:
2 eggs

Add & Mix until blended:
2 1/3 C. flour
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt

Add in:
2 C chocolate chips (the big ones! Guittard brand chips are my favorite.)

Place dough on parchment paper or a greased cookie sheet. Last but not least, grind a bit of coarse salt over each cookie and bake at 375 for 11 minutes. Heaven!!

Let it be known that I have no idea where this recipe came from. I'm sorry to said baker who created such wonders. Kisses to you!
best ever chocolate chip cookies; butter with a side of bread

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