Since going to my new favorite Chinese restaurant, I think I've called it every name other than its actual name: Bob's House, Boo Boo House, Bobo World, Wayne's World (out of utter confusion)... Boba World. That's the right name. B-o-b-a W-o-r-l-d.
A little while back, Mike had a 3-day weekend and we took our one solo-day-as-a-fam-of-three-and-a-half, and hung out in our pj's for nearly the entire day. I mean, I pretty much do that every day I'm home anyway,  but I feel better when I'm not the only one in pajamas. 
Mike asked, "So... what should we do tonight? Rent a movie?" 
I responded with a hint of hope, but a conscious realization that he'd take this as a joke and laugh: "Hey! Let's get Chinese food and have a family movie date at home!" 

Background: the only time we have ever gotten Chinese food to-go was when we were dating. Once. When visiting my family back east. That's it. 8 years ago. We've never ever ordered anything for delivery, and that one time we did take-out was about the only time we've ever done take-out. It's also only every-other-year when Mike humors me and gags down Chinese food- I love it, but he hates it. 

For some reason, Mike was all on-board, so I sprung into action... but... where do we get Chinese food? He told me there was a place a coworker of his mentioned- right by us- what was it called? Some strange name... Some Googling later (love Google), and voila! Bobo House! I mean... Boba World!
I called in our order for Sweet & Sour Chicken and Chicken Lo Mein. The happiest little Asian man on the other line eagerly replied, "Ok! See you in ten minute! Bye-bye!"

I went inside to get our food, and was so utterly shocked by how UN-hole-in-the-wall this place was! It was, like, cute or something? Quaint. The man I talked to on the phone was the only one in there- the "kitchen" was right by the register... nice and clean! My food was ready! Mr. Man was just as pleasant in-person. We chatted up a storm. He gave me Chinese candy. I mean, I practically skipped out of there!

As we drove away I remembered why we never do take-out: I have no self-control. I can't even refrain from opening the mail before getting back inside my house. Patience is not my thing! Oh! Let's get home already!

Long story short, that was the darn best Chinese food I've had in ages. The Lo Mein noodles were homemade. Homemade! Oh, and Mike? He went back for seconds! And ate the leftovers with me the next day! Bob's Boba World may have changed him. He's crossed over. We've even gone back since. Like 10 times. Bah!

Oh, golly, I'm so happy.
If you're near Bountiful/Woods Cross/Salt Lake... go! 
PS- This is not even kind of a sponsored post. Just one I'm really excited to share:)

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