SKINNY CHOCOLATE ICE CUBE SHAKE: Butter with a Side of Bread

My husband grew up with Ice Cube Shakes but I'm relatively new to them. I like how quickly they come together and how satisfying they are on a hot day. This one is "skinny" and I love it as an afternoon snack. Feel free to switch out what type of milk you use~ it's versatile!

Also, when making shakes, remember the colder the ingredients are when you blend them, the thicker the shake will be. This is pretty important for "skinny" shakes since they have a tendency to not contain ice cream! So chilling the milk and freezing the banana will really make a difference.

"Skinny" Chocolate Ice Cube Shake
adapted from a recipe I saw floating around Facebook

  • 1 cup Almond Milk, chilled {those Silk Almond Milk singles are perfect!}
  • 2 TBSP cocoa powder
  • 1 banana {frozen is best!}
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla {or almond extract}
  • about 20-25 ice cubes

If you remember, peel a banana and break it into several segments, put it in a small ziplock bag and freeze it until you're ready to make this shake.

If not... don't worry!

Assemble all ingredients and place in a blender. Blend. Divide into 2 servings, or have a large 28-oz serving for yourself! Top with a bit of whipped cream or cool whip, a drizzle of chocolate sauce and a cherry. Yum!

SKINNY CHOCOLATE ICE CUBE SHAKE: Butter with a Side of Bread

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