Polala amavasya recipes -Step by step pictures - polala amavasya vratham recipes

Amavasya of Shravana Month is known as Polala Amavasya. The name Polala is derived from the  Goddess Poleramma. Poleramma is a local deity, and is considered to be one of the incarnations of Goddess Durga.It is observed on Shravana Amavasya,No moon day in shravana Masam in Andra pradesh.This pooja is observed in Andra pradesh,In some Parts of Karnataka,orrisa and Tamil Nadu.

 Mothers observe polala Amavasa Vratha for better health and Welfare of their Children.Goddess Poleramma or Pochamma is known as Protector of children.Godess Shakthi Mantra and Astrotram are chanted during Pooja."Raksha Thoram" or "Rakstha Daaram"(Sacred Thread) is also Worshipped during the Pooja.Women and Children tie Raksha Daaram in their hands to seek her blessings.

Goddess Poleramma is quite similar to the Goddess Shitala worshipped in North India. The other  popular belief is that the Goddess protects children from various diseases, especially chicken pox.Monsoon rains are at its peak during the Shravan (July – August) month. Diseases spread quickly and those most vulnerable are children. The prayers are meant to keep children healthy.Let us Pray Poleramma for Welfare of our children.

Source:Hindupad.com,Hindu-blog.com,Times of Hindu.Com


Polala amavasya recipes

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