Christmas Knitting Round 2

Hooray for more Christmas knitting!

I found out my brother's girlfriend (whom I have never met) was going to spend Christmas evening with my family when I go back to Seattle for Christmas. Since they have been dating for a whole year now, I figure it may be a smidge on the serious side and so I should be a good possible future sister-in-law and give her something (plus I'm nice like that). Since most of my family is getting handknit items, I decided I would feel like a cheap jerk if I just got her a token store bought something.

From her myspace page, I'm thinking she's of the punk rock persuassion and might appriciate something fun, so I decided to make her a kittyville hat. This is me wearing it:

Okay, I know it's a stupid pose.....but it was really the best one of the hat (stop laughing).

Now I have a dillemma.....I kinda like the hat. I'd wear it. I'm scared if I give it to her, she'll think it's dumb and throw it away or give it to goodwill. It's not like the yarn was expensive (it's acrylic) but I spent a long time working on this thing! And I think it's tacky to say, "I made you this hat. I spent a long time working on it. I hope you like it but if you hate it, please don't throw it away. I'd rather have you give it to one of my sisters and know you hate it than have you pretend to like it and have it end up in a dumpster."

So I'm not sure. I figure I have 3 options:

1) Keep the hat myself and make her a beanie to match the one I'm going to make for my brother
This has the slight downside that now I have an acrylic hat when I would have prefered wool plus now I need to knit something else (Christmas will be here soon!)

2) Give the hat to her and make one for me out of wool
And maybe tell Chris privately that if Falicia hates it, to please not throw it away??

3) Give the hat to one of my sisters who I know will appriciate it
I think either of my sisters would like this hat. Plus even if they hate it, I don't think they'd throw it away....they'd probably just give it to the other one.

Hmmmm. What to do, what to do? So to facilitate the decision process, I would really appriciate if you took my "What should I do with this hat??" quiz:


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