Proof that I've really been knitting

I've really been knitting....I promise. I just haven't been very good lately about taking pictures or getting the patterns typed up so I decided I'd just post the pics now and get the patterns typed up later.

Felted Winged Heart
I made this felted bag (I would call it a clutch but it's really a bag to go inside my tote bag, so there isn't much clutching going on) out of Patons Classic Merino Wool. You can get the chart here. The pattern is coming soon.



Cabled Fingerless Gloves
This was my first "real" cabled project. The original pattern I was working from had an error in the cable so I had to knit and frog and re-knit the beginning of the cuff 3 times before I figured out the issue with the cable. But now it's all fixed and I like it. Jumping off the original pattern, I went my own route so I'm going to write up my own version of the pattern soon. Here are pictures for you to enjoy in the meantime:

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