detox for the new year

Happy New Year, everyone! I have been saying for a while now that it seems to me 2013 is a distinctly new phase in the history of humankind - don't know why. "2013" just sounds more epic and futuristic than 2012 or any previous year. Think about it: "Twenty Thirteen"... wooaah.

Anyhoo. Detox. 

I figured after the holiday you guys are probably not feeling your cleanest. I, for one, was enjoying the abundance of wine that is a primary necessity for any successful social gathering. As well as the raw vegan cheeses my mom and I made. If you're like me - you just wanna clean up your system a bit and feel some detox. Juice is great for detoxification since it is nutrient-PACKED and absorbed into your juicy bloodstream in about 15 minutes.

Which reminds me - let me go off on a tangent here - you should watch this documentary called Hungry For Change and show it to everyone you care about! I loved it. It is exactly what Standard American Dieters need right now. It is made by the same people who did Food Matters (another solid doc) and it applies to anyone who wants to finally experience superior health and happiness in an affordable, natural and easy way. Okay, tangent done.

Clean out your system and get back to that fresh, clear-minded feeling you learn to adore on the raw food diet. Make juice.

this glass of juice:

2 apples
3 carrots
1/2 cucumber
2 pineapple slices
1/2 cup cilantro mint leaves
1 tomato 
1/2 lemon 

Peel and slice as needed, then throw everything in your juicer! Enjoy. 

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