f'real milkshakes at butter with a side of bread
I love me some word-of-mouth marketing- it's my favorite way to hear about food, clothes, hotels... anything, really! Well, my parents were going on on on about these amazing milkshakes they got at the gas station (yes, gas station), and instead of believing them, I just thought, 'Hmm. They must be getting old. Or have lowered their standards.' 

Mom, forgive me. 

Fast forward to a reeeeeeally hot summer day at a gas station. I'm not one for gas station fare, but I am one for shakes. I'd consider myself quite the sugar-holic, and in my food pyramid, milkshakes have their own segment (along with lactose pills to go with said ice cream:). 

I went up to this weird f'real cooler and assumed this is what my mom was referring to. I chose my flavor (cookies 'n cream will always be my first love), chose my shake thickness, and popped the cup in the holster (pretty sure it's not called a holster, but that seems appropriate)... a little blendy-blendy, and my cup reemerged looking just like a restaurant shake! Mike and I shared one because he doesn't love shakes as much as me (or because he knows I just drink his after I finish mine, so we might as well save money and "share").
f'real milkshakes at butter with a side of bread 
f'real milkshakes at butter with a side of bread
f'real milkshakes at butter with a side of bread
I'm not kidding. 
Best. Shake. Ever.
How is that possible!?!?
I have no idea. I'm asking you to trust me on this one. 
Mike and I were actually fighting over it. Fighting. I was extremely irritated I didn't get my own. 
So we went back.
And again.
f'real milkshakes at butter with a side of bread 
f'real milkshakes at butter with a side of bread
f'real milkshakes at butter with a side of bread
Go here to find a location near you, and make sure to report back!
I can only vouch for the cookies 'n cream... but there were a ton of choices. Take your pick.

Oh, and because it's funny, watch this if you're bored.

As always, this is not a sponsored post. I do this out of the goodness of my heart, people!
You're welcome.
(I'm serious about this one. And I know my shakes. F'real.)

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