Thank You, Shaklee! {Shaklee 180 Results Part 1}

It's hard to believe I've been doing this thing for 6 whole months now! I've been dragging my feet getting this post up because I really wanted to be at an even 21 pounds lost. Am I crazy? Probably.
Here are my final results, though:

I feel pretty good about my inches lost progress. And I feel REALLY good about how many inches I lost in my waist and thighs! Overall, though, I think you can see the results of my hard work in my face. Which isn't really measurable in numbers but when you look at the photo at the top of the post you sure can tell!

That's my face. What about a full body shot?

Here is my before (for full "before" report, see my starting post):

This me after six months on the program in the same outfit (pants are the same. needed a different t-shirt because the first one was too loose!)

And just for fun. These are my favorite jeans. Or they were my favorite jeans. I really need to go jeans shopping. 

Confession: I am still wearing these pants. Yes, I know that I can now pull them down without unbuttoning or unzipping them. And my butt is really saggy looking. I wasn't sure how much weight I was going to lose and didn't want to spend money on "interim" jeans. I'm hoping to take advantage of some back to school sales soon and get some new pants that fit!

Did I Hit My Goal?
This question is a little tricky since my goal was to lose 50-60 pounds - obviously not in 6 months, though! The other tricky thing about this goal is that because Shaklee 180 products contain Lucine - which is an amino acid that tells your body to hold onto your muscle mass while losing weight - I'm shrinking but might weigh more than if I'd lost the same number of inches on a traditional diet plan. 

So what was my goal for the last 6 months? Kick ass. That is SO not a SMART goal but I feel like I did it. 

I'm okay if I don't even lose 50-60 pounds eventually. I just want to wear size 14 jeans. And even that? Crazy personalized goal. The skinniest I've been in my life - and make no mistake, I was skinny (see my first Shaklee post to see what I looked like) - was a size 12. And since I think it's unrealistic for a fully mature woman who has birthed a HUGE kid (pushing out a 10.5 pound baby did not do my hips any favors!) to be the same size she was in high school, I'll be happy with one size up. I'm halfway there. I feel good about that.

In Summary...
When I first started Shaklee 180, I lost a lot of weight up front. In fact, 95% of my total pounds lost and 91% of the inches lost happened in the first three months. Everything has been really gradual since then. And I'm okay with that. If I had more time to exercise I think I would have lost more in the last 3 months. I try to be an active person - walking, riding my bike, pulling my kid up hill in a wagon - but if I'd had more dedicated exercise time set aside I may have dropped more weight (or at least inches) in the last few weeks.

I also get really horrible sleep. My body ideally needs about 10 hours of sleep. Recently, I'm lucky if I get more than 6. I'm really lucky if I get 8 or more. I know sleep is a large component to your body functioning well and giving up extra weight it doesn't need and I think if I spent more time sleeping my weight loss would also accelerate.

But wait. There's more!
To hear me talk more about my experience with Shaklee 180, stay tuned for Shaklee 180 Results Part 2 (includes a video!) later today.

OR, check out all my posts about my experience with Shaklee 180 (including yummy recipes!) here

ALSO I've got friends who've been impressed enough with my results so far and have decided to try Shaklee 180 for themselves. If you are interested in losing weight along with me and others on what my husband has started calling "the non-grumpy diet" please check out my Shaklee website to get more information and get started today!


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating in the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. My opinions are my own. I am also a Shaklee Independent Distributor. People following the weight-loss portion of the Shaklee 180™ Program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

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