I love everything about this wreath. It only cost me $3 and really adds to my Halloween decor! Not to mention it only took me about 45 minutes, and we have some extra candy corn to eat.

Candy Corn: a 1 lb - 21 oz bag should work fine {$1.98 at Walmart for 21 oz bag}
Wreath Form: I used a 12 inch form {$1.00 at Dollar Tree}
Acrylic Paint: I used Americana Bright Orange. Black would work fine, too {Already had some paint on hand}
Total Project Cost: $2.98

Glue candy corns on, one at a time. Start in the middle and try to use the better looking ones. Put broken or otherwise odd candy corns in a bowl to eat later. I started by gluing the first row of candy corns all facing the same direction. Start the next row going in the opposite direction. They won't always line up perfectly, so just try to align them the best you can. Once you're done, you won't notice the imperfections anyway.

Repeat the gluing pattern until the entire front, outside, and inside of the wreath is covered in candy corn. It helped to use broken candy corns on the inside and outside to fill in larger gaps that were too small for a full candy corn. No one will see those anyway, right?
Wrap some tulle around the wreath and tie a bow at the top. You can use this to hang your wreath or to just use as decoration.

A word of warning:
Apparently paint, glue, and candy corn can make a wreath pretty fragile...
I had my wreath out for display on my mantel and it jumped off in the middle of the night. Oops.
To prevent your wreath from suffering the same fate, keep it in a stable place or hang it on the wall with a secure hanger! I cried a little inside when I woke up to see this, but it is easy enough to remake that I'm not too traumatized.
Also, this wreath is not recommended for outside use or to be placed near hot temperatures. The candy corns will melt, and no one wants to deal with that mess.
I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween!