grape wassail: butter with a side of bread
Amanda factoid time! 
I'm allergic to apples. 
And I reeeeeeally don't like pumpkin anything. 
Sounds like I am the bah-humbug-er of fall, huh!? 
Well, I may have been a scrooge... UNTIL I tried this recipe! I adjusted the original (for the millionth time, I'm all about accommodating for what you have on hand!)- in the process, I'm even happier with this new version! It's been tried and tested. SO good. SO GOOD! It's the perfect treat to have at a holiday party. Or to sip on a cold morning. Or to share with family. Or to add to Sunday dinner... Really, you name it, it works. Bring on the apple-free, pumpkin-free fall deliciousness!

Oh, and be still my heart- you wouldn't imagine the deliciousness that floats through the air while this simmers! Mmmm! Christmas morning, anyone!?

Grape Wassail 
In a large pot on the stove, combine:
4 cups water
3/4 cup sugar (plus/minus depending on your taste)
2 tsp. cinnamon

Boil and simmer 5 minutes. Add:

4 cups grape or cran-grape juice
2.5 cups Sunny Delight (or orange juice- I like the little kick Sunny D provides:)
1 fresh lemon, sliced

Simmer for 15 additional minutes. Serve and enjoy!
(You can even rewarm later for a nice nighttime treat!)
grape wassail: butter with a side of bread
*While Elle & I were making our wassail, my hubster was busy making a surprise tea party for the two of them. (Wait! Dude, was that a subtle hint of, "Amanda! I'll play with Elle! You're on dish duty!" ?? Eh, it didn't work. After all, someone needs to take pictures.)

See!? Tea parties: another reason to make wassail...
Grape Wassail, Butter with a Side of Bread
Grape Wassail, Butter with a Side of Bread
(...Ok, and maybe just one more cup before bed...)
Grape Wassail, Butter with a Side of Bread

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