Homemade Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream...step by step.

Homemade ice cream again?? yes, this time it is with fresh strawberries.....fresh strawberry ice cream with bits of berries for you to bite in, how would you like that??... I just cant stop myself from making ice creams because its freaking hot here, 39.5 degree C, and ice creams are a must in this heat....

I have been trying out different flavors with my basic vanilla ice cream like the mango ice cream and so when I got half kilo of strawberries, I thought why not try ice cream with it. I made this ice cream 3 times straight and boy! this one blew my mind out....love the subtle flavor of the berries, and the slight bits of them in between....when I tried it for the first time, I thought that it would be very very pink like store-bought ones....but was surprised to find a very milder pink color.....so you can imagine the color and synthetic stuffs that go into ready-made ice creams....and that makes me cringe.

Half the berries, that is 250 gms were put into the blender and pureed and then blended along with the rest of the ingredients which gives the subtle pink color and the flavor, and the other half (250 gm) I pulsed it coarsely in the processor because I love, its and bits of berries in my ice cream (you can also chop them up with a knife), so I mixed it into the ice cream once it was half set....why I did not add it before was I dint want the berry pieces to settle down, so when it is mixed (folded) into half set ice cream, it will stay in and not settle down.

One thing, I understood is that though ice creams are the best treat during summer; it is very difficult to take pictures of it in this heat.....the moment it is out of the freezer the countdown begins, I mean it just melts so quick that by the time I take a click or two it will be very melty.....even though I clicked them in the morning these were on the brim of melting down....I made three batches and was able to get this click on the third attempt....much to the glee of my grinning kids..

Author: Nisa Homey
Strawberries: 1/2 kg, hulled
Every day milk powder: 1 packet, 200 gm (you can use any brand, but I will just stick to Everyday (nestle).
Cream: 200 ml (I used, 1 packet amul cream)
Milk: 1 cup, I used skimmed.
Sugar: 1/2 cup.

I love fresh strawberries...don't you too...yum.

Add 250 gms of strawberries into a blender and puree it.

Then add the milk powder....the whole packet.

The fresh cream....

Milk....1 cup.

And the sugar...1/2 cup.

Blend it all for two minutes and pour into a container.......it is subtle pinkish color not that dark pink which store-bought ice creams have...plus no essence or preservatives or synthetic additives....just pure fresh strawberries and a whole lot of goodness.

Put in the freezer, after 1 hour take it out and whisk with a fork.....repeat it 3 to 4 times....hey, have you noticed, we are not using any ice cream maker....double cool ha.

Meantime, pulse or mince the other half (250 gm) strawberries, in a food processor or chop with a knife....you will love the its and bit of berries in the ice cream...I promise....so it is worth the effort.

Add them into the semi set ice cream.

Fold them in.....put it back into the freezer, let it freeze away preferably overnight.

Scoop them out and enjoy the summer with your kids.

Since there is a lot of queries about milk powder, I am including amazon link below for your ease.

Sharing with whats in your kitchen Wednesday.

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