Bread Pakoda.

One late afternoon I was surfing TV channels and I came across a cookery show and the guy was presenting dhaba items. The one that caught my attention was bread pakoda and today evening I decided to give it a try and believe me Homey and kids gave a thumbs up sign. Fortunately I had some boiled potatoes in my fridge. I got 3 sets of pakodas with this recipe. This does not actually call for any exact measurements, all you need is some bread slices, boiled potatoes, and bengal gram powder. 

How it is made:
Bread slices.
Potatoes: 2. (boiled and smashed).
Chilly powder: ½ tsp.
Coriander powder: ½ tsp.
Coriander leaves chopped: Little.
Salt to taste.
Butter to spread: Optional

For the batter:
Bengal gram powder (kadalapodi): 4 tbsp.
Chilly powder: ½ tsp.
Coriander powder: ½ tsp.
Ajwain: ½ tsp.
Salt to taste.

Make a loose batter with bengal gram powder and add chilly powder, coriander powder, ajwain, and salt. The batter should be loose and not thick.

Mix the boiled potatoes with chilly powder, coriander powder, coriander leaves, and salt.

Take a slice of bread and spread little butter into it and spread the potato mix and cover it with another slice of bread. Dip it into the batter and see that it coats the bread and deep fry it. Cut into triangle shape and serve hot with tomato sauce or katta meeta chutney.

Recipe source: SS Channel.

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